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Free Solo Ads

How To Get Your 4 Solo Ads
And Your Custom Link To Promote

In order to get your 4 free solo ads, you are going to need to be a member of Viral Mailer For You & Free Advertising For You.

If you are not a member of both of these sites, follow the instructions below to join them both. It is important that you sign up for both sites because without a membership you won't be able to claim the solo ads.

1. Clicking on the link below will take you to a page where you can join the sites. The link will open in a new window. After you have joined both sites, come back to this page to continue.

Click Here To Join Both Sites If you have joined Second Splash, Viral Mailer For You (VMFY) & Free Advertising For You(FAFY), you are ready to get your solo ads & your pages to promote.

I'm using double opt-in to make sure only people that want the emails get them. You will need to verify your email after filling out the form below, so make sure you don't use a junk or list email.

Fill out the form below to get your personal links to promote this offer. Make sure there are no spaces before or after your ID's or your link will not work correctly.

Only enter your ID/Username, do not enter the full URL or the links will not work.

Second Splash ID is a number (example: 1140)

Viral Mailer For You Username is a username (example: jwise)

Entering anything other than a number for Second Splash ID and username for VMFY will cause the link you are sent to not work.


We respect your email privacy